Discover The Order of the Good Death, a groundbreaking non-profit organization founded by Caitlin Doughty. With a mission to reshape our perspective on mortality, this compassionate and thought-provoking organization challenges societal taboos surrounding death. By offering educational resources, fostering open dialogue, and promoting death positivity, The Order of the Good Death empowers individuals to embrace the natural cycle of life with understanding and compassion. Led by Caitlin Doughty, a renowned mortician and author, this transformative organization encourages a holistic approach to end-of-life experiences and inspires meaningful conversations about the inevitable journey we all share. Join The Order of the Good Death in their quest to create a more compassionate and informed society, where death is acknowledged as an integral part of life's beautiful tapestry.
The campaign utilizes the whimsical, compassionate gothic style of The Order to create an awareness campaign informing the public on alternative forms of afterlife care.